Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Selling Jesus

The past couple of days I've noticed a few things that are quite disturbing... Obviously the Christian subculture has become a hideously commercial entity -- with everything from WWJD bracelets to the Construction Workers Bible to Test-a-mints breathmints. It's coming to the point where we can walk around in a perfectly Christian bubble almost 24 hours a day...but we'll save that debate for another day.

Here are the two latest disturbing observations...

1. The United Pentecostal Church of Harvey in Harvey, IL, is paying people to attend church. Yes, that's right. The first 75 people to walk through the door at each of two services, and stay for the 90 minute duration, receive $25. There's a lot I could say about this...but I'll let the church leadership speak for itself.

"It doesn't matter how we get them in the door as long as we get them here."
- Rev. Anthony Cox, Co-Pastor

Cox said that they also hope the $25 lure will turn folks into regular attendees.

The idea of giving money to get people to a worship service is not inherently wrong "as long as it doesn't overshadow the church's message."
- David Jackson, Executive Administrator of hte United Pentecostal Church International

Okay...I might buy this, EXCEPT...

"To alert community members to this Sunday's "Money Service," the Harvey church posted 50 signs along busy streets with the tagline "We know our Church is WORTH it!"
- Chicago Tribune

And finally, a word from a member.

"We're told to spread the gospel by any means."
- Tina Richardson, member, Harvey United Pentecostal Church

I would encourage you to read the Chicago Tribune's article here. There are a few comments that almost redeem them...but I'll let you judge that for yourself.

2. Christian Millionaires So, we've all seen these scams where you make $25,000 in one week, right? You only work 3 hours a day from home with no apparent difficulty. You see commercials with beautiful women on sailboats and middle-aged men in Aston-Martins. Well, now there's an opportunity you don't want to miss...YOU can be mentored by Christian Millionaires! Earn $7,000 Over and Over and OVER again! I saw it on a sign today outside of Walmart. Ridiculous. And, to add to their "missional" focus...the name of their website is I say missional lightly...there's no missional focus on their site. How are you going to impact others? By mentoring them on how to become millionares too?

I've got an idea for about hard work, a strict budget, and maybe a little investing?! In legitimate enterprises!

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